Lipocodes Suggestor is an unobtrusive add-on for your web browser. Its use will pose no difficulty to you, as it embeds suggestions as a part of the web page. The only thing you have to do is to click on the links as you would normally do.
Lipocodes suggestions include alerts on better prices when you are shopping and suggestions of keywords that are similar to the ones you are searching. You will also receive directions and a map of any address you find online. The smart highlight feature will automatically search for the items you highlight. Additionally, you can visualize YouTube videos from within Google, search for Wikipedia answers and get the latest news.
A small button in your browser’s toolbar will show a dropdown menu, from which you can select the desired options. First, you can have a list of similar sites. Supposing Google home page is open, if you select this option, you will have a list of other search engines. If you decide to share the page, you will be able to do in Facebook, Twitter or Google. Additionally, the options will let you choose the search engines you wish to add Lipocodes suggestions to.